In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the PREIMER ATHLETIC COMPETITION athletics/sports program, related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:
1. The risk of injury and/or illness from the activities involved in the program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce the risk, the risk of serious injury does exist;
2. The risk to have contact with individuals, who have been exposed to and/or have been diagnosed with one or more communicable diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19 or other medical conditions, diseases, or maladies does exist, and it is impossible to eliminate the risk that I could be exposed to and/or become infected through contact with or close proximity with an individual with a communicable disease;
3. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume all full responsibility for my participation;
4. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself or youth participant from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and
5. 1, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE PREIMER ATHLETIC COMPETITION LLC, their officers, officials, agents and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of the premises used to conduct the event ("Releasees"), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY ADULT PARTICIPANT: By acknowledging and agreeing to the checkbox below, I agree and verify the following: 1) / consent and agree to assume the risks of participation in these programs; and 2) that I specifically agree to the release as provided herein of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my involvement or participation in these programs EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PARENTS AND/OR LEGAL GUARDIANS OF YOUTH PARTICIPANTS: By acknowledging and agreeing to the checkbox below, I agree to and verify the following: 1) I am the parent or legal guardian for the youth participant(s) associated with this guardian account, 2) that the date of birth of the youth participant associated with this guardian account is correct, 3) that as parent/legal guardian with legal responsibility for this youth participant, I consent and agree to assume the risks of his/her participation in these programs; and 4) that I specifically agree to his/her release as provided herein of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, 1 release and agree to indemnify the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to this youth participant's involvement or participation in these programs as provided above EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE.
This copy of the PAC Sports Procedural Manual became effective on January 1, 2020. PAC Sports does have the authority to make emergency changes from time to time and highly recommends that you review the official copy of the PAC Sports Procedural Manual which can be found on the PAC Sports website at In the event a conflict in language between this printed version of the Procedural Manual found on the PAC Sports website controls. If there is incorrect information regarding this Procedural Manual published or issued via voice, written, electronic or any other form of communication, whether by PAC Sports personnel or not, the provisions and intent of the Procedural Manual found on the website will always prevail.
One of the primary purposes of PAC Sports’ official playing rules (including its equipment standards) and PAC Sports’ Code is to promote competitive balance and to preserve the integrity of amateur sports. PAC Sports’ Official Playing Rules, Bylaws, Code and Procedural Manual should not be considered a guarantee that participants, spectators or others will be safe or free from injury or harm. There are risks and dangers incidental to sports, including specifically (but not limited to) the danger of being injured by thrown bats, thrown balls, batted balls or other objects thatposes a risk to its participants, spectators and other persons at or near PAC Sports events or practices. Sportsarevigorous at times involving severe cardiovascular stress and violent physical contact. Sportsinvolve certain risk, including but not limited to death, serious neck and spinal injuries resulting in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage and serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, muscles and internal organs, and equipment provided for the protection of the participants may be inadequate to prevent serious injury. It is further disclosed that sportsinvolve a particularly high risk of ankle, knee, head, and neck injury. In addition, participation in PAC Sportsevents may involve activities incidental thereto, including but not limited to, travel to and from the site activity, participation at sites that may be remote from available medical assistance, and possible reckless conduct of other participants. Participants engaging in sportsand activities incidental to sports do so with knowledge of the danger involved and agree to accept any and all inherent risks of property damage, personal injury, or death. Parents, family, guests, participants and spectators assume all risk and danger of personal injury, losses, damages to person or property and all hazards arising from, incidental to or related in any way to theparticipating sport. DISCLAIMER: PAC Sports, ITS OFFICIALS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SPONSORS, VOLUNTEERS, CONTRACTORS, LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS AND AFFILLIATES ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) OR LOSS OF PROPERTY TO ANY PERSON SUFFERED WHILE WATCHING, PLAYING, PRACTICING, OR IN ANY OTHER WAY AT OR INVOLVED IN PARTICIPATING SPORTFOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF PAC SPORTSOR ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SPONSORS, VOLUNTEERS, THE OWNERS AND LESSORS OF THE PREMISES AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE INVOLVED AND INCLUDING THE RECKLESS CONDUCT OF OTHER PARTICIPANTS. PAC SPORTSEXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY INJURY OR PROPERTY LOSS RELATED IN ANY WAY TO THE OFFERED SPORTS. This warning, disclosure and disclaimer are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by applicable laws. If any portion is held invalid the remainder of the warning, disclosure and disclaimer will continue in full legal force and effect.
Become a premier National Governing Body in the United States.
Host the highest quality amateur & adult events nationwide while providing meaningful content & features to players, families, and coaches.
We develop, administer and promote sporting events to provide opportunities for participation and the best possible experience for those involved.
■ Teamwork
■ Fair Play
■ Common Good
■ Promotion andEducation
■ Sportsmanship & Civility
■ Ensure our future successby improving the leadership and governance of our organization.
■ Continue and enhance our focus on the player, the quality of the game, quality of service, and overall service.
■ Be accountable to each other and our sportsin our mutual efforts to become a premier National Governing Body.
■ Identify, recognize, and provide exposure for talented players and teams through showcase tournaments.
■ Collaboratewith our players, officials, parents, affiliates, andorganizations to providethe best sanctioning system that fits the industry’s needs.
■ Create an internationally recognized, world class venue that meets our needs, and supports our mission and vision.
Mission Statement
Regions & Local Associations
State Director
Complaint Procedures & Protest
Age Qualifications
Pick-Up Players
Divisions & Classifications
Mandatory Reclassification
Restricted Classification
League Programs
Qualified/ Frozen Rosters
Qualified Team Additions
Qualified Team Releases
Levels of Tournaments
National Qualifying Tournament
State Tournament
World Series
Point Rankings
Point/Loyalty Incentive
General Regulations of Tournament & League Play
Bracket Seeding Procedure
Mercy Rule
Tie-Breaker Criteria
Playing Field Dimensions
Team Conduct & Sportsmanship
Bat Regulations
General Game Preliminaries
Pitcher Rules
Coach Pitch Specific Rules
Machine Pitch Specific Rules
T-Ball Specific Rules
7U-8U Kid Pitch Game Preliminaries
Article 101
NAME. The name of the association shall be ‘ Premier Athletic Competition‘, hereinafter referred to as the Association or PAC Sports. The Association shall also do business as PAC.
Article 102
MISSION STATEMENT. Host the highest quality amateur & adult events nationwide while providing meaningful content & features to players, families, and coaches. We develop, administer, and promote sporting events to provide opportunities for participation and the best possible experience for those involved.
Article 103
OBJECTIVES. The objectives of PAC Sportsshall be:
To promote amateur & adult events for all persons regardless of race, color, creed,religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, national origin or ancestry.
To establish uniform rules and regulations for each individual sport sanctioned through PAC.
To encourage sporting events to be conducted in accordance with the spirit of truesportsmanship free from bullying, hazing, harassment (including sexualharassment), emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, and sexual misconduct(including child sexual abuse) and establish principles for ethical behavior andmatters relating to conflict of interest as provided by the PAC Sports Council andBoard of Directors.
To collaborate with amateur and adult sport organizations to provide thehighest quality sanctioning system that fits the industry’s needs.
To promote and conduct annual amateur & adult post-season championships.
To identify, recognize, and provide exposure for talented athletes via showcases.
To educate and train in the proper skills of play and rules of sports sanctioned by PAC through promoting, organizing, and conducting clinics, seminars and training courses.
Article 104
PRINCIPLES. It shall be the responsibility of each member of PAC Sports to strive to fulfill the goals of PAC Sportsand to promote amateur & adult sports. At a minimum, eachmember of PAC:
Shall follow the rules and regulations of PAC Sports as established by the PACSports Bylaws, Code, Procedural Manual and Playing Rules.
Shall support Pac Sports’programs that promote the sportsandeducate players, Coaches, officials, volunteers, and the public about the game.
Shall act at all times with the utmost civility andsportsmanlike conduct, promotingwholesome, safe competition.
Shall strive to provide programs that encompass fairness to the participants andpromote fair play and sportsmanship.
Shall take seriously their responsibility as a role model and encouragecompetitiveness in a positive manner.
Article 105
JURISDICTION. Premier Athletic Competition is recognized as a governing body ofamateur and adult sports in the United States. PAC Sports operates sanctioned sport leagues and tournaments across the United States. PAC agrees to operate by each individual StateLaw
Shall follow the rules and regulations of PAC Sports as established by the PACSports Bylaws, Code, Procedural Manual and Playing Rules.
Shall support Pac Sports’programs that promote the sportsandeducate players, Coaches, officials, volunteers, and the public about the game.
Shall act at all times with the utmost civility andsportsmanlike conduct, promotingwholesome, safe competition.
Shall strive to provide programs that encompass fairness to the participants andpromote fair play and sportsmanship.
Shall take seriously their responsibility as a role model and encouragecompetitiveness in a positive manner.
Article 106
DEFINITIONS. Whenever used in this Code, unless otherwise specifically mentioned,the following words, terms and phrases are defined to mean:
1) Association is Premier Athletic Competition, the national organization.
1) NIT/Super NIT/Global is a tournament or competition from which the winneror the winner and other selected teams may qualify for a berth to higher levels of play of this Association.
2) Classificationis is level of play within a division.
3) Division refers to the different levels of competition
4) Code is the operating regulations of PAC Sports.
5) Commissioner is the commissioner of a local association. A commissioneris the principal liaison between a local association area and PAC Sports.
6) Ineligible Person/Team is a team, player, manager, official, or memberwho is not eligible to participate in PAC Sports sanctioned events,(A suspended person is included in this definition).
1) Participation in Tournament Play is being available at thetournament and registering a team online at in sanctioned events is being available to play, coach,manage, umpire and assist in the organization or otherwise be a part of asanctioned event other than as an observer.
2) Additional Player, Guest Player or Pick-up Player is a player that has been added to a team's roster and meets all the requirements set forth in Article 304 of this Code.
3) Player Release is for a player that has participated on a team in a PAC sanctioned event. Players may be released from a team after participating in a sanctioned event.
1) Qualified Team is a team who has earned and accepted a berth to a PAC post-season event.
1) Sanctioned Tournament is a tournament approved by PAC Sports or alocal association.
2) Substitute Team is a team eligible to replace a qualifying team in the next level of championship play.When the qualifying team is unable to advance,the substitute team must be the next highest finishing eligible team from the qualifying tournament. A substitute team may not replace a previous year’s defending champion or a returning team in the current season’s championship play.
3) Suspended Person/Team is a player, manager, official, team or other PAC Sportsmember who has been found in violation of this Code and is therefore ineligible toparticipate in PAC Sports sanctioned events.
1) Team refers to but shall not be limited to the following: players, coaches,managers, trainers, scorekeepers and sponsors.
2) Team Personnel is defined as all coaches, managers, scorekeepers andother on field assistants that are required to meet the eligibility requirementsof PAC Sports.
NOTE. State Directors, National Directors, Executive Board Members, Executive Committee Members, National Committee Members, or Tournament Directors shall not be eligible to participate in the program as a team manager, team coach, team sponsor or player without the approval of PAC Sports Vice President of Baseball Operations.
3) Tournament Staff refers to a PAC Sports Representative, TournamentDirector, Umpire In Chief, Assistant Umpire in Chief and Umpire Coordinator.
1) Unsportsmanlike and Unprofessional Conduct refers to conduct that is detrimental or unbecoming to the purposes and objectives of PAC Sports and/or its local associations.
PAC Sports is the national organization.
Article 107
Operating Regulations. The Operating regulations of the Association aredefined in this document, hereinafter referred to as the PAC SportsCode, which isdivided into three parts as follows:
Part 01 Articles 101 - 199 Mission and Definitions
Current President’s rules of order shall be the parliamentary law for all meetings of the association.
All meetings are open except when in executive session
Article 201
MEMBERSHIP. Upon proper application and qualification, membership in PAC Sportsshall be available to state or metro associations, individuals, teams, umpires, scorekeepers as further defined in this Code and organizations on a voluntary basis who agree to be governedby the Bylaws, Code, Procedural Manual, rulesand regulations of PAC Sports.
Team Membership. A team must register online with PAC Sports in order to participate in PAC Sports events. Registration fees shall be paid seasonally. The PAC Sports baseball season begins August 1st and concludes July 31st.
Individual Membership. Individuals can acquire a basic membership in PAC Sports withno feetothe PAC Sports website.
Umpire Membership.
An umpire may become a member by paying his/her annual membershipfee into the PAC Sports organization.
Umpires become members of PAC Sports on a voluntary basis and agree to be governed by the Bylaws, Code, Procedural Manual, Rules and Regulations of PAC. Registration by an umpire does not establish an employer/employee relationship and no umpire is considered an employee of PAC Sports or the local association, but instead acting as in independent contractor.
Membership is on an annual basis and shall expire December 31st of each year.
Umpire memberships may be declared or revoked for unethical, immoral or unprofessional conduct. Before declining or revoking memberships, the umpire must be given ahearing procedure.
Included with membership is general liability and accidental medical insurance while officiating with PAC Sports. In addition, umpires may choose to purchase optional insurance that shall cover them during non-PAC Sports contests
To educate and train in the proper skills of play and rules of sports sanctioned by PAC through promoting, organizing, and conducting clinics, seminars and training courses.
Article 202
Local Associations. . The geographical area of the United States shall be divided into state and metro associations each of which shall be represented by a State Director who shall act as a liaison between such area and PAC Sports. Local Associations are defined as follows:
State Associations
Central California
Northern California
Southern California
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
North Texas
South Texas
West Texas
Central Virginia
Piedmont Virginia
West Virginia
Regions. The local associations shall be organized into 10 regions.
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Newark, New York, New York City, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, Vermont.
Central Atlantic
North Carolina, Maryland-DC-Delaware, Ohio, Central Virginia, Piedmont Virginia and West Virginia.
Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee.
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi.
Oklahoma, North Texas, South Texas, West Texas, New Mexico
STATE DIRECTORS. A local association commissioner is the principal liaison between a local association and PAC Sports
Article 204
All leagues and tournaments played under the jurisdiction and administration of PAC Sports shall utilize umpires whom are registered with the Association.
Postseason Play Only PAC Sports-member umpires may be used in postseason play.
Use of Tobacco. Umpires may not smoke or use tobacco like products on the playing field. This includes but is not limited to chewing, dipping and spitting.
Use of Alcohol. Umpires may not consume alcoholic beverages on a game day until assignments have been completed.
Article 205
Umpires shall work to settle all situations on the field. Protests shall be allowed for age and pitching violations or rule interpretations only. Uniform numbers cannot be protested. Protests must be declared to the Umpire-in-Chief and then to the League/Tournament Director before the next pitch following the dispute. If a call to be protested is the last recorded out of a game or on a game ending play, the protest MUST be filed prior to the Umpires and the protesting team leaving the field of play. No protest shall be allowed following the game. League/Tournament officials shall rule on all protests and their decisions shall be final. Any roster eligibility protest, must be protested in the first two innings. Any player in question that should enter a game after the 2nd inning can be protested at anytime during the reamainder of the game.
The Protest fee shall be $100.00 CASH. The fee shall be returned only if the protest is upheld. Leagues may develop their own fee structure and methods of recording and settling protests
Protest on uniforms shall not be allowed. League, State Directors, or directors appointed by a State Director, shall determine uniform legality. Violation of the uniform shall result in the violator being allowed to immediately conform or be removed from the game. Team managers/ coaches may wear athletic type clothing.
Article 301
Eligibility Compliance Required By Each Player, Manager and Team.
It is the duty of each player, player’s parent (if applicable), manager, coach and team to review PAC Sports eligibility requirements and comply with PAC Sports’ eligibility requirements. Each team manager/coach is responsible for complying with the eligibility requirements and other requirements set forth in the PAC Sports Code as to his/her team. This specifically includes, without limitation, eligibility requirements pertaining to proper classification, proper divisions, eligible pick up player requirements, eligible age requirements and all other eligibility requirements
As to eligibility matters, any assurances or statements from PAC Sports members, PAC Sports commissioners or PAC Sports officials other than PAC Sports’ Chief Executive Officer are not binding and shall not be binding upon PAC Sports and shall not constitute a valid excuse for a team’s, manager’s or player’s failure to comply with any eligibility requirement. PAC Sports disclaims any and all liability for any player, team, manager or coach’s reliance’s upon assurances of persons other than PAC Sports’ Chief Executive Officer. PAC Sports disclaims any and all liability for any player, team, manager or coach’s failure to comply with all eligibility requirements
Teams, players, coaches and managers that are ineligible under the PAC Sports Code and that incur travel and other expenses in connection with a PAC Sports tournament do so at their own risk and peril. Teams, players, coaches and managers that are ineligible under the PAC Sports Code are subject to disqualification or forfeiture at any time, as otherwise provided for in the PAC Sports Code (i.e. upon the timely protest of any other team or official).
Individual Players and Team Eligibility
Proof of Age. Teams have the capacity to upload a copy of each player’s original birth certificate to the PAC Sports website to provide Proof of Age. PAC Sports recommends that each team, at all times, be in possession of a copy of the original birth certificates of all players in case of a website malfunction. In instances of complaints, failing to provide the original copies of the birth certificates on request will result in the offending team’s loss of the game, ejection from the competition, being placed last in the rankings and forfeiture of all points, benefits and awards that have or will be awarded to them.
As long as he follows the rules of the PAC constitution and the Official Baseball National By-laws and Rules, a player shall be admissible into the PAC Baseball program as long as his first name, last name (with no modifications) and birth date in mm/dd/yyyy format appears as a member on the team’s Official Online Register as they are on his original birth certificate. Not following this rule will result in the team’s disqualification from the PAC.
A violation of the PAC Code or the Official Baseball National By-Laws and Rules will result in a player becoming an illegal player.
During any PAC competition, any team with players in violation of age requirements will be deemed ineligible. Such a team will be placed in last place and eliminated from the competition. The manager could also be penalized with a suspension.
Any team that violates the eligibility rules listed in this code, may face immediate elimination from their current competition and be placed last in standings. The manager could also be penalized with a suspension.
Participating in the same weekend with multiple teams by any player in any PAC event will result in elimination of both teams and they will be ranked last in standings. The player, their parents and managers could also be penalized with a suspension.
Any player not listed on the Official Online Roster, an incorrect birthday or one with their name incorrectly listed is an ineligible player. Before a team’s first game, or before the deadline for adding new players passes, all players must be listed on a team’s online roster. Penalty: The presence of an ineligible player on a team may result in elimination and they will be placed last in rankings. The State Director will look at every case individually to determine the eligibility of a player.
Player Eligibility.
Before being Qualified/ Frozen to an Official Online Roster (age categories 4U-14U ONLY):
At any given time, a player can play for only one team in any competition and at any given time a player can only play in one competition.
A player is only permitted to play for one team per day, contest, competition week or weekend without consideration of place and age group.
After being Qualified/ Frozen to an Official online register (age categories 4U-14U ONLY):
Players are permitted to appear on only one (1) Official Online Roster per age group and are only allowed to participate with such eligible team (unless properly released according to Article 106 (C) (3) of this code).
Players playing in multiple age categories can only appear on one Official Online Roster per age category and will only participate with such listed team(s) (unless properly released according to Article 106 (C) (3) of this code).
A player can play for multiple age categories for as long as the older team and the younger team are in the same class or the older team is in a lower class.
Regardless of age, a player is only allowed to play for one team each weekend.
Team Eligibility.
Without paying the team registration fee to the organization, no team will be allowed to participate in any PAC Sports’ events
All teams must maintain an Official Online Roster.
The living area of fifty-one percent (51%) or the majority of the players listed on the team’s official online roster will determine the team’s “home” state.
In following these rules, the team manager will be responsible for all areas of player admissibility or eligibility and the data of the players listed on the team’s official online roster. This data includes the age eligibility, classification of the teams the player may register with in other age groups, classifications of previous teams that the player has played with, legal names of the players and the actual birthdates of the players. Other data may be entered as requested.
The team manager may be suspended and the team elimination from the competition on grounds of adding ineligible players to the team’s Official Online Roster. Intent will not be considered in the regard of this rule.
The team manager may be suspended and the team, eliminated from the competition on grounds of entering the wrong name of the player on the Official Online Roster. Intent will not be considered in the regard of this rule.
The team manager may be suspended and the team elimination from the competition on grounds of incorrectly entering a player’s birthdate on the team’s Official Online Roster, regardless of the act was intentional or unintentional.
All players listed on a team’s Official Online Roster are under the authority of the State Director. State Director's may approve or reject the player’s listed on a team’s roster. The State Director’s approval of a team’s roster does not free the team manager of his responsibilities listed in these rules.
Roster exemptions can be issued upon request by an all-girls team by the Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations.
State Directors may waive the roster requirement of this code during the Fall Season playing months of August 1 – December 31.
Note. Fall months are reserved to have more of a focus on player development.
Article 302
AGE QUALIFICATIONS A player’s age prior to the 1st of January determines the eligibility in which age division a player is allowed to participate in. The age eligibility is good from Aug 1st - July 31st, (example season Aug 1st, 2020 - July 31st, 2021. The players DOB is 12-11-2012= 8u player DOB 2-2-2010= 10u player) Players of younger age classification may play in older age classifications, but an older age classification player may not play in the younger age classification. A younger player may only play a maximum of 2 years above their current age eligibility. For ages 10u and under we do not acknowledge grade exemptions. Grade exemptions for 11u and up, is limited to one age above the age classification. Documentaion must be submitted by email with either a letter from the school or a school issued report card showing the current grade eligbility of that athlete. Grade excemptions can only be add to a roster by an authorized PAC Sports admin.
Article 303
ROSTERS Team managers/ coaches are required to list all players on the team’s Official Online Roster. Player’s names shall be entered exactly how they appear on their original birth certificate. Names shall include first and last names only and shall exclude; middle name, nick-name, shortened name, slang name, initials, prefixes or suffixes. Each team is permitted pick-up players according to Article 304 of this code. All teams must have a liability insurance policy that meets the requirements of PAC Sports and have PAC Sports listed as additionally insured.
Number of Players.
Age categories 4U-14U may contain a maximum of twenty-five (25) players.
Age categories 15U-18U may contain a maximum of twenty-five (25) players.
EXCEPTION: Released Player. See definition in Article 106 (C) (3) of this code
Roster Change Deadline. Changes to a team’s Official Online Roster must be completed before the start of the team’s first game of any tournament.
NOTE: Local associations may establish an earlier deadline for classification purposes.
Roster Eligibility. Receipt and acceptance of an official PAC Sports affidavit roster shall not be considered as a determination of the eligibility of a player or team. Eligibility of players or teams shall be governed as otherwise provided in this Code
Roster Classification.
League – A & All-Stars
NOTE: In the 4U-14U age divisions, a player can only participate on a team up to two (2) years older. An example would be a 10U player only being allowed to play on a 11U or 12U team.
Article 304
General Rule. All teams are permitted to pick-up players as follows:
The team adding pick-up players must select eligible roster members from PAC Sports registered teams.
Pick-up players must played for a PAC Sports registered team during the current season.
Pick-up players must be registered during the current season. Players must be registered seven (7) days prior to the start of a post-season tournament (National Event, National Finals, World Series.)
Pick-up players must be selected only from PAC Sports registered teams that do not have Qualified/ Frozen Rosters.
Exception: A player that has been released from a team’s Qualified/Frozen Official Online Roster.
Pick-up players must be from the team’s same or lower classification.
Exception. Players who are age eligible may be picked up by a lower age classification team. As an example, a player who has competed on a PAC Sports 14U team is an eligible pick-up player for any team below the 14U age classification if that player meets that age classification criteria.
Players whose teams have qualified to compete in the highest-level tournaments within a classification shall not be eligible pick-up players.
CLARIFICATION: A player who has competed in any post-season or National Championship Finals is not an eligible pick-up player for any other post-season or National Championship Finals.
Teams adding pick-up players must submit an updated Official Online Roster before the team’s first game of the tournament.
Article 305
PAC Sports recognizes the following divisions and classifications of tournament and championship play. Each team and/or player shall establish a classification to determine proper classification for tournament and championship play. State Directors shall adopt a Local Classification Board that operates simultaneously with the National Classification Board to assist in classifying and/or re-classifying teams within their respective state and are granted the authority to classify and/or re-classify any team within their respective state during the current season with approval of the National Classification Board.
4U – 18U
A (League)
All-Stars (League)
A (League). Leagues control their own restrictions. PAC recommends that no AAA or Major classification players be allowed on roster.
All-Stars (League). Leagues control their own restrictions. PAC recommends no AAA or Major classification players allowed on roster.
Major. There are no restrictions for a player classification that a team can have.
AAA. A team can have up to three (3) Major players before becoming reclassified to Major.
AA. A team can have up to one (1) Major OR three (3) AAA players before becoming reclassified to AAA. Note. This is an either-or-situation. Teams cannot have both.
Open. There are no restrictions for a player classification that a team can have
NOTE: Teams/players that have no PAC Sports playing history shall be handled in the following manner. If a track record of a team/player can be verified in another National Association, that team/player shall be classified at that level. The higher classification level from any association will set the rating for classification of any team/player, within a two (2) year time period.
Classification of Play. PAC Sports offers four (4) classifications of tournament play: Major, AAA, AA, and Open as well as two (2) classification of League play: A and All-Stars.
Major. Superior level of select play comprised of highly competitive players.
AAA. Advanced level of select play comprised of talented players.
AA. Entry level to select play comprised of players still developing.
A. Drafted teams participating in League.
All-Stars. Hand-selected league teams competing in post-season League Events.
Team/ Player Classification. A team/player, who has been classified in any division of play during the previous year, will remain in the same classification during the current season until reclassified by PAC Sports Classification Board.
Mandatory Reclassification.
Reason for Reclassification
- No roster classification restrictions for Major rosters.
- If after two (2) events of being classified a team is showing that it is not being competitive, PAC reserves the right to reclassify the team to a lower classification.
- Roster automatically reclassifies to Major when a roster exceeds more than three (3) Major players.
- After 3 tournaments or 10+ games, a team with a winning percentage of .750 or greater shall be reclassified to Major.
- If after two (2) events of being classified a team is showing that it is not being competitive, PAC reserves the right to reclassify the team to a lower classification.
- Roster automatically reclassifies to AAA when a roster exceeds more than one (1) or Major players OR three (3) AAA players.
- After 3 tournaments or 10+ games, a team with a winning percentage of .750 or greater shall be reclassified to AAA.
No classification restrictions for roster.
Chart 305 (C)
A team that becomes subject to the PAC Sports Reclassification rule shall be notified no later than Tuesday of the week they become reclassified. The official reclassification will take place the following Monday after being notified of reclassification.
PAC Sports aims to protect the integrity of each classification and shall reserve the right to raise or lower a team’s classification based upon a team’s performance. Teams have the right to appeal this classification according to Article 305 (F).
NOTE. The delay in reclassification is to allow teams subject to the Reclassification of this code time to make new arrangements for future tournaments and travel plans.
A player that becomes subject to the PAC Sports Reclassification rule shall participate in the new classification the next season following notification.
Returning Players. A team that has a combination of four or more players on a roster, including pick-up players, from a team or teams subject to mandatory reclassification and/or restricted classification must maintain the classification as assigned by the mandatory classification rule.
EXCEPTION: Players that have successfully appealed and been granted a reclassification shall not be counted towards the four- player rule for a returning player.
NOTE: If a team/player fails to participate in tournament play the next calendar year, this restriction will remain in effect until the team/player participates at a higher classification.
Restricted Classification Rule.
Teams. Teams that finish Top 5 in post-season/ World Series events may not participate in a lower classification in the same division of play during their next PAC Sports playing season unless they played in the highest classification. Those players currently classified shall be moved to a higher level. Those already classified as one level higher, would not be affected by this change. A team that has four or more players on a roster, including pick-ups, from such a team shall be considered the same team.
State Classification Guidelines. Each State Director shall follow the National Classification Guidelines established by the PAC Sports National Classification Board. State Directors reserve the right to review the classification of a team and/or players, and shall have the authority to change the classification if found to be not in accordance with the respective classification code.
National Classification Board.
Responsibilities. The National Classification Board will oversee all aspects of the team and player classification. The board will create procedures regarding classification.
Duties. This board is to uphold the national players list and classification strategy.
Classification Appeal. Teams/ players classified in accordance with this article have the right to appeal their classification after participating at the higher classification. The appeal must be submitted to the team’s local State Director and should include game results and reason for appeal. The Local Classification Board shall evaluate the information presented and forward the appeal with their recommendation to the National Classification Board. The National Classification Board shall review the information presented and make a determination on the appeal.
League Programs. PAC Sports offers sanctioned league play for age divisions 4U-18U. Leagues shall operate on a player draft and/or random selection to determine a team’s Official Online Roster. A league shall conform to the below guidelines to participate in a PAC sanctioned events:
Register one hundred percent (100%) of their league teams with PAC Sports.
Incorporate a draft and/or random selection system for player selection that shall include no more than five (5) protected players from a team’s previous draft.
Leagues shall submit their complete rules, by-laws, and schedules for approval.
Leagues’ schedules should consist of a minimum of eight (8) games.
Eligible players shall compete in a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the scheduled league games.
State Directors shall follow the PAC Sports guidelines for teams to qualifying for the AState Championship, A-World Series, All-Star State Championship, and All-Star World Series:
A-Classification. A classification is a playing level formed from PAC Sports sanctioned leagues. Players shall be permitted to participate in the A-State Championship and A-World Series. Age divisions shall include 4U-18U.
Selection Process. A-classification teams are selected via draft and/or random selection with up to five (5) protected players from a team’s previous draft.
Roster. The League President (or highest officer) shall submit an official roster to the State Director for approval.
Post-Season Roster Guidelines. A-classification teams can pick-up a maximum of five (5) players from any PAC Sports sanctioned league. A maximum of two (2) AA classification players are permitted on a post-season Official Online Roster.
NOTE: Absolutely no AAA or Major classification players are permitted to be on an A-classification roster for post-season events at any time.
All-Star Classification. All-Star Classification is a selection-based system formed from PAC Sport sanctioned leagues. Age divisions shall include 4U-18U.
Selection Process. All-Star teams shall select players from participating in PAC sanctioned leagues to form their roster.
Rosters. Rosters can consist of a maximum of two (2) AA classification players.
NOTE: Absolutely no AAA or Major classification players are permitted to be on an All-Star post-season roster at any time.
Article 302
Eligible Teams. All teams registered within the PAC Sports association are eligible to become qualified to participate in PAC Sports' State, International and World Series events. Teams may play in the post-season/ World Series events of their choice.
Qualified/ Frozen Roster. A team is regarded as Qualified/ Frozen when the team earns a berth to State, International or World Series event. Additionally, a team may become Qualified/ Frozen by receiving a berth which automatically passes down to them from a higher seed which is already qualified/ frozen. Berths earned in this manner are done automatically and cannot be declined. Lastly, a team’s Official Online Roster will become qualified/frozen the first (1st) Monday of May of the current season (whether a team accepts a post-season berth or not).
Qualifications for Super NIT and National Elite Super NIT Events. (Major Classification Only)
Fall Season. During the months August 1st – December 31st, rosters shall only become frozen if the qualifying team accepts a post-season berth. If the qualifying team declines to accept the berth, it shall be passed down until a team accepts. Once a team elects to accept the berth, that team’s roster will become frozen and must abide to the frozen roster add/drop restrictions.
Spring Season. During the months January 1st – July 31st, a winning team’s roster shall become frozen regardless of whether or not the team accepts the post-season berth or not. The berth shall be passed down if the winning team has already accepted a berth prior. Once a team elects to accept the berth, that teams roster will become frozen and must abide to the frozen roster add/drop restrictions.
NOTE: All players on a qualified/frozen roster shall be bound to their team’s Official Online Roster until July 31st (unless released pursuant to this code). No player shall appear on any other team’s Official Online Roster (regardless if the team is qualified/frozen or unqualified/unfrozen) within the same age division regardless of class.
Qualified Team Roster Additions.
Major and Open Classifications.
A manager/coach shall be allowed eight (8) roster additions to their qualified/ frozen Official Online Roster but must not exceed the maximum total of players allowed on a roster stated in Article 303 (A) (1) (2). Players must be added prior to the start of the team’s first game of the tournament.
Players being added shall not be on any other qualified/ frozen Official Online Roster in the same age division regardless of classification.
Additions to the Official Online Roster exceed above three (3) players, (i.e. forth, fifth, sixth, etc. add), the team shall relinquish the opportunity to be classified below Major for the remainder of the season.
Player(s) on two (2) or more qualified/ frozen rosters in different age divisions, shall be rostered so the older team is equal to or lower in class than the younger team.
AA and AAA Classifications.
A manager/coach shall be allowed a maximum of five (5) roster additions to their qualified/ frozen Official Online Roster. Players must be added prior to the team’s first game of the tournament.
NOTE: Player’s being added to a team’s Official Online Roster may cause a team’s classification to bump to a higher classification. In doing so, the team will become ineligible to play until corrections according to Article 305 (C) have been made.
Players being added shall not be on any other qualified/ frozen Official Online Roster in the same age division regardless of classification.
Players being added shall not have been on any qualified/ frozen Official Online Roster of a higher classification in equal or older age divisions of the current season.
Player(s) on two (2) or more qualified/ frozen rosters in different age divisions, shall be rostered so the older team is equal to or lower in class than the younger team.
All Classifications.
Player(s) added to a qualified/ frozen roster must have prior playing history within the PAC Sports association for the on-going or previous season.
Addition of new a player(s) to a team’s Official Online Roster may cause the team’s classification to be changed.
Players will become automatically frozen to a team’s Official Online Roster the first Monday of May of the current season.
Qualified Team Roster Releases.
All Classifications.
A manager/coach shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) roster drops from their qualified/frozen Official Online Roster. Player(s) being released must be done so by following Article 103 (C) (3) of this code.
Player(s) released from a qualified/frozen Official Online Roster shall be prohibited form returning to that team during the current season.
Disbanded Teams. A team with a qualified/ frozen Official Online Roster listing less than nine (9) players, which all additions have been exhausted, shall be disbanded automatically and forfeit all points and/or berths awarded.
Major and Open Classification. The following rules apply to a disbanded team that chooses to reform:
A new team will be registered by a team manager/coach in accordance to this code for the current season.
The team manager/coach shall be bound by all roster and eligibility rules contained within this code.
Regardless of team name, age division, classification, team manager and/or coach/sponsor, a new team’s Official Online Roster shall contain no more than six (6) players from any disbanded or previous disbanded team within the same season.
All players added to a new Official Online Roster from a previously disbanded team shall be bound to the disbanded team’s classification.
The new team shall be required to qualify.
AA and AAA Classification. The following rules apply to a disbanded team that chooses to reform:
A new team will be registered by a team manager/coach in accordance to this code for the current season.
The team manager/coach shall be bound by all roster and eligibility rules contained within this code.
All players added to a new Official Online Roster from a previously disbanded team shall be bound to the disbanded team’s classification or higher.
The new team shall be required to qualify.
Article 307
LEVELS OF PAC TOURNAMENTS. The following are the different levels of tournaments that PAC offers:
National Qualifying Tournaments. State Directors shall have the authority to host Qualifying Tournaments to teams aiming to qualify for State Championship and/or World Series participation. State Directors, or directors appointed by the State Director, shall conduct all Qualifying Tournaments to assure that the PAC Sports Code and Rules are always followed. Additionally, sanctioned league participation can count towards a Qualifying event if so desired.
Entry Fees. Each team participating in a PAC Sports Qualifying Tournament shall be assessed an entry fee. Cost of the entry fee shall be at the discretion of the State Director, or director appointed by the State Director.
Tournament Entry Procedure. State Directors may accept entries at any time after the event is listed on the PAC Sports tournament website. Any teams wishing to enter must have an approved Official Online Roster.
Sanctioning Fees (For State Directors/Tournament Directors). State Directors are responsible for turning in all applicable fees and registrations to PAC Sports within seventytwo (72) hours of the Qualifying Tournament. Failure to do so shall result in a disqualified sanctioned event.
Awards. State Directors, or director appointed by the State Director, shall be responsible for determining the quantity of awards presented for Qualifying Tournaments.
Baseball Regulation. PAC Sports requires that all PAC events use a baseball that weighs between 5 and 5 ¼ ounces (142 and 149 g), and is 9 to 9 ¼ inches (229-235 mm) in circumference (2 7/8-3 in or 73-76 mm in diameter).
Roster Deadline. PAC requires that all players must be listed on the team’s Official Online Roster prior to the start of the team’s first game of the tournament.
Points Awarded. Teams may accumulate points from Qualifying Tournaments according to Article 307 (D). Points may only be gathered from one event per weekend.
Forfeits. Any team that forfeits a pool-play game may not be eligible for championship play, regardless of their record.
Refund Policy. All State Directors shall follow the refund policy established by PAC Sports.
State Championship Tournaments. State Directors shall have the authority to host State Championship Tournaments to teams aiming to qualify for World Series and/or other post-season participation. State Directors, or directors appointed by the State Director, shall conduct all State Championship Tournaments to assure that the PAC Sports Code and Rules are always followed. Each State Director shall adopt an acceptable method for qualifying teams for State Championship participation.
Entry Fees. Each team participating in a PAC Sports State Championship Tournament shall be assessed an entry fee. Cost of the entry fee shall be at the discretion of the State Director, or director appointed by the State Director.
Tournament Entry Procedure. State Directors may accept entries at any time after the event is listed on the PAC Sports tournament website. Any teams wishing to enter must have an approved Official Online Roster.
Sanctioning Fees (For State Directors/Tournament Directors). State Directors are responsible for turning in all applicable fees and registrations to PAC Sports within seventytwo (72) hours of the State Championship Tournament. Failure to do so shall result in a disqualified sanctioned event.
Rosters. A team’s Official Online Roster must contain at least fifty percent (50%) state residents from the state in which the state championship is being played, or the majority (whichever is greater) of the players on the team’s Official Online Roster
Roster Deadline. PAC requires that all players must be listed on the team’s Official Online Roster prior to the start of the team’s first game of the tournament.
Awards. State Directors, or director appointed by the State Director, shall be responsible for determining the quantity of awards presented for State Championship Tournaments.
Baseball Regulation. PAC Sports requires that all PAC events use a baseball that weighs between 5 and 5 ¼ ounces (142 and 149 g), and is 9 to 9 ¼ inches (229-235 mm) in circumference (2 7/8-3 in or 73-76 mm in diameter).
Points Awarded. Teams may accumulate points from State Championship Tournaments according to Article 307 (D). Points may only be gathered from one event per weekend.
Forfeits. Any team that forfeits a pool-play game may not be eligible for championship play, regardless of their record.
Awards. State Directors, or director appointed by the State Director, shall be responsible for determining the quantity of awards presented for Qualifying Tournaments.
Refund Policy. All State Directors shall follow the refund policy established by PAC Sports.
Completed Tournament. Each team shall be provided with at least two (2) games of participation. This State Director, or director appointed by the State Director, may alter this format due to weather conditions or other acts that are not in the State Director’s control.
World Series, National & International Championship Events. The PAC Sports National Committee shall have complete jurisdiction over World Series, National, and International Championship events. PAC Sports President of Baseball Operations shall select a qualified person to serve as the Tournament Director. With the approval of the PAC Sports President of Baseball Operations, the appointed Tournament Director has the authority to amend the PAC Sports Code and Rules to accommodate the needs of the World Series.
Entry Fees. Each team participating in a PAC Sports State Championship Tournament shall be assessed an entry fee. Cost of the entry fee shall be at the discretion of the State Director, or director appointed by the State Director.
Qualified Teams. In order to participate in the World Series, teams must receive a berth by participating in their home state’s State Championship tournament(s). Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of a World Series berth. State Directors may set forth other requirements and it’s the team manager/coach’s responsibility to verify all requirements to play in a World Series. i
The State Director must approve all entries into the World Series. In a situation where the State Director is absent for one reason or the other (i.e. the seat is vacant) the PAC Sports President of Baseball Operations shall give such approval.
The PAC Sports National committee is in charge of setting the deadline for accepting entries into the World Series.
A team shall participate in the highest classification World Series in which it wins (is awarded) a berth.
NOTE: State Directors or PAC Sports National Committee shall have the authority to re-classify a team.
Teams may choose to participate in a higher age division but shall do so at or above the team’s current classification. Example: A 12U AAA team can choose to participate in a 13U AAA or 13U Major World Series but is ineligible to play in a 13U AA World Series.
Roster Deadline. All players must be added to the team’s Official Online roster prior to team check in. Rosters become frozen after check in and no write in players are eligible to be added to a roster.
Baseball Regulation. PAC Sports requires that all PAC events use a baseball that weighs between 5 and 5 ¼ ounces (142 and 149 g), and is 9 to 9 ¼ inches (229-235 mm) in circumference (2 7/8-3 in or 73-76 mm in diameter).
Points Awarded. Teams may accumulate points from World Series and National Championship events according to Article 307 (D). Points may only be gathered from one event per weekend.
Forfeits. Any team that forfeits a pool-play game may not be eligible for championship play, regardless of their record.
Point Rankings.
PAC World Elite Series
PAC World Series
Global World Series
Fall/Winter Nationals
PAC State
Global State
State Level 2
National Elite Super NIT
Super NIT
Global Sports Qualifier
State Qualifier
State QualifierGP
One Day
Points/Loyalty Incentive. PAC Sports shall offer team’s participating in PAC events incentives based upon how many points a team accumulates and/or amount of tournaments a team plays in.
Participated Events
Incentive for Future Event
$50 credit
$100 credit
$150 credit
$200 credit
Chart 307 (E)
NOTE. Teams may have the option to accumulate their credits and apply total amount of credits to any of their future PAC Sports events held nationwide. All State Directors must accept the Points/Loyalty Incentive of this code.
Article 308
GENERAL REGULATIONS OF TOURNAMENT AND LEAGUE PLAY. All tournaments and leagues must be conducted in accordance with this Code and the playing rules adopted by PAC Sports. The Official MLB Rules of Baseball shall govern any rule not specifically covered herein for age divisions 14U and below & high school showcase events. Additionally, the National Federation of High School (NFHS) baseball rules shall govern any rule not specifically covered herein for age divisions 15U and above for any tournament NOT specially deemed as a showcase event. In case of conflict with the playing rules, the Official PAC Sports Code and Rules shall take precedence.
Determination of Home/ Visitor Team.
Pool Play. Home/ visiting team shall be determined by a coin flip between the two teams. The team that wins the coin flip may choose if they want to be home or visitor.
Bracket Play. The highest seeded team for bracket play in a single elimination bracket determines home team. In double elimination bracket play, the highest seeded team shall be the home team until the championship game.
Championship Game. In the championship game, the team in the winner’s bracket shall be the home team. If the championship game goes to an extra game to decide the winner, a coin flip shall determine the home team.
Time Limit Rule.
5U – 8U Division. 1hr, 1:15hr or six (6) innings.
9U – 12U Division. 1:30hr or six (6) innings.
13U – 14U Division. 1:30hr, 1:45hr or seven (7) innings.
15U – 18U Division. 1:45hr, 2:00hr or seven (7) innings.
NOTE: Pool play games will be allowed one (1) extra inning to declare a winner. If a winner cannot be declared after one (1) inning of extra play, the game shall end in a tie. ADDITIONAL NOTE. World Series time limits may be used in pool play and consolation bracket games with the approval of the PAC Sports President of Baseball Operations.
Continuation of Game. In the event of rain or any cause that interrupts a game, the game must be resumed at the exact point where it was stopped.
Pace of Play.
Intentional Stalling.It will be at the umpire’s discretion to determine whether or not a team is intentionally stalling a game in order to reflect the outcome of the game in their favour. Umpires shall have the authority to stop the official game clock in order to keep a team from using stall tactics. In a case of Intentional Stalling of a Game, the follow penalties shall apply:
First Offense: Official game clock shall be paused & Warning shall be issued.
Second Offense: Official game clock shall be paused & the head coach of the offending team shall be ejected from the game.
Third Offense: Official game clock shall be paused & umpire is directed to retrieve the on-site tournament director. At the tournament directors’ discretion, the team being accused of intentionally stalling can be forfeited from the game and will no longer be able to qualify for championship play according to Article 307 (A) (8).
NOTE: To eliminate stall tactics occurring late in the game, umpires shall pause the Official Game Clock when a mid-inning substitution occurs to the pitcher or catcher during the last five (5) minutes of regulation play. The game clock shall resume once the umpire puts the ball back in play.
Warm-Up Pitches. A new pitcher entering the game for his/her first (1st) inning shall be granted eight (8) warm-up pitches. Returning pitchers shall be granted five (5) warm-up pitches between innings.
Official Order of Finish. The following procedures will be used in determining the official order of finish.
Completed Tournament. The Tournament Director shall determine the official order of finish based upon the following:
Teams are listed in descending order of finish according to their bracket position when eliminated.
Bracket Seeding Procedure. Teams shall be seeded as shown below. Additionally, teams that are tied following pool play, shall be determined by this procedure.
Record (winning percentage)
Head to Head
NOTE. Only if All teams played against each other in pool play, it automatically resort to Run Differential. If all teams did not play against each other in pool play OR if more than two (2) teams have the same record the following tie breaker go into effect.
Runs Allowed
Average Runs Scored – maximum of 8
PAC Sport Points – Descending
Coin Flip
Incomplete Tournament. . In the event of a Qualifying, State Championship Tournament or World Series cannot be completed within the scheduled time frame; the following procedure shall be used to break ties among teams in the same spot in the bracket.
Tournament Directors shall revert back to team’s seeding after pool play to break a tie in an Incomplete Tournament.
Incomplete Game. If a game is called due to rain, weather, light failure or other acts of Nature and cannot be resumed, the game will be deemed as a regulation game by the following:
For a six (6) inning game, if three (3) innings have been played or if the home team has scored more runs after two and one thirds (2 1/3) innings the game shall be declared a complete game.
In bracket play, if a game is tied after four (4) innings or more, the score will revert back to the previous inning. In the result of the game still being tied, the game will be declared suspended.
For a seven (7) inning game, if four (4) innings have been played or if the home team has scored more runs after three and one thirds (3 1/3) innings the game shall be declared complete.
In bracket play, if a game is tied after 5 innings or more, the score will revert back to the previous inning. In the result of the game still being tied, the game will be declared suspended.
Suspended Game. All games that for any reason cannot be declared a regulation game shall be declared as a Suspended Game. A Suspended Game, when resumed, shall start from the exact point of suspension.
Completed Game. A regulation game consist of six (6) innings for age divisions 4U-12U and seven (7) innings for age divisions 13U and older, unless the game is:
Extended due to a tie game after the conclusion of regulation play. The game shall continue until the visiting team has scored more total runs than the home team at the end of a completed innings, or the home team scores the winning run in an uncompleted inning.
Shortened because the home team does not need its half of the final inning or only a fraction of it to win.
Shortened because of an imposed Time Limit expiration.
Mercy Rule. An imposed Mercy Rule (run rule) shall be used to complete a regulation game when one team’s margin of lead is greater than or equal to the listed run differential in the corresponding listed start inning.
NOTE: In enforcing this rule, the home team shall not bat if they are winning and the mercy requirement is met prior to the start of the bottom half of the listed inning. Similarly, if the home team is batting and meets the mercy requirement in the bottom half of a listed inning, the home team shall cease batting and the game shall conclude.
Length of Game
Run Differential
Start Inning
6 Innings
3rd Inning
6 Innings
4th Inning
6 Innings
5th Inning
7 Innings
3rd Inning
7 Innings
4th Inning
7 Innings
5th Inning
Chart 307 (E) (6)
Tie – Breaker Procedure. In the event that a game ends in a tie, the following tie-breaker procedure shall be utilized:
Last batter of previous inning will go to 1st base, next to last batter will go to 2nd base, the next hitter after that will go to 3rd base.
The offensive team shall start the inning with one (1) out.
NOTE. Pool play games shall be allowed one (1) extra inning to determine a winner of the game. If no winner is declared after the one (1) extra inning, the pool play game shall result in a tie. Bracket play games shall be played out until a winner can be determined.
ADDITIONAL NOTE. The tie-breaker procedure listed in this Code shall not apply to Championship games. All extra innings in Championship games shall be played out as normal.
Team Line-Ups. Teams may choose the following batting line-ups:
Nine (9) player batting line-up Note. Eligible substitute players must be listed on line-up.
Nine (9) player batting line-up with a Designated Hitter (DH). Note. Eligible substitute players must be listed on line-ups.
Ten (10) player batting line-up with an Extra Hitter (EH). Note. Eligible substitute players must be listed on line-ups.
Ten (10) player line-up with a DH and EH. Note. Eligible substitute players must be listed on line-ups.
Continuous batting line-up of all present, eligible, uniformed players.
NOTE. A DH can be used for ages 9U thru 18U. Batting line-ups must be declared before the start of the game and used the entire game.
Starter Re-Entry. All starting players, on a line-up that contains substitute players, may be removed and re-enter the game one time. Starters re-entering the game must do so at their original position in the batting order. When a starter re-enters, the player in the starter’s batting position in the line-up order must be removed from the game and is ineligible for the remainder of the game.
NOTE: Non-starters shall not be allowed to re-enter a game if elected to be taken out of the lineup.
Extra Hitter. If a team elects to use a line-up with ten (10) players, the player in the Extra Hitter (EH) position has free defensive substitution.
Continuous Line-Up. All players, other than the nine (9) defensive position players, are deemed Extra Hitters and may move freely in defensive positions with the exception of the pitching position. Any player(s) arriving after the game has begun, shall be added to the bottom of the batting line-up. When using the continuous line-up, any player that has to leave a game, for any reason, that position in the line-up becomes an automatic out when that player’s at bat comes around.
Designated Hitter. The Designated Hitter (DH) playing rules are as follows:
The DH can bat for any defensive player.
The DH can bat for one (1) player and any of that player’s substitutions on defense for the original player.
The DH must be listed next to or underneath the player he is batting for in the line-up.
The DH, and the player he is batting for, are both locked into the same batting slot. Neither player can bat in another batting position.
If a DH enters the game on defense, the player he was batting for must come out of the line-up.
A DH, and the player he is hitting for, are both deemed as a starter. Both may re-enter the game one time if subbed for. Both must re-enter in the same batting spot.
The DH role for a team is terminated for the rest of the game if:
A replaced DH re-enters the game on defense.
The player for whom the DH was batting pinch hits or pinch runs for the DH.
The DH assumes a defensive position.
NOTE: In divisions 15U-18U, if the Extra Hitter (EH) is not utilized, then the Designated Hitter (DH) may be utilized in accordance with the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) rules.
Teams may play an official game with an eight (8) player line-up. Line-ups consisting of only eight (8) players will receive an automatic out each time the ninth (9 th) position in the batting line-up comes up. The ninth (9 th) player, and all subsequent players, may be added to the bottom of the line-up upon availability.
NOTE: Teams may continue a game with a minimum of eight (8) eligible players.
Playing Field Dimensions. The playing field shall be laid out according to the recommended dimensions contained within these rules.
Division of Play
Base Paths
Pitching Distance
Fence at Foul Lines
Fence at Center Field
13U (54/80)
13U (60/90)
60’ 6”
14U (54/80)
14U (57/90)
14U (60/90)
60’ 6”
60’ 6”
Chart F (1)
NOTE: Please refer to the Official Rules of Baseball as published by Major League Baseball for details regarding field layout, direction of play, fair and foul territory requirements, infield and outfield grades, pitcher’s mound height and slope, batter’s and catcher’s box dimensions, and base and home plate size and construction.
Article 309
Team Manager/ Coach. Team manager/coaches must have full control of their players and parents at all times including on and off the field.
Restricted Activity. At no time shall any player, coach or manager be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke on the field or in the dugout. The use of tobacco is prohibited at all PAC Sports events.
Fighting. During any PAC Sports event, a player, coach or manager strikes another player, coach or manger, said player, coach or manger is to be ejected from the game and is not to sit on the player’s bench.
Unsportsmanlike. Mangers are to report any unsportsmanlike or derogatory acts by players or spectators to the tournament director.
Disputed Play. In case of a disputed play or decision, the team’s Head Coach may consult game officials. The other players and coaches are to be kept out of the conversation.
Hotel/ Motel. Any hotel or motel management report of destruction of hotel/ motel property or abuse of hotel/ motel guests by a team competing in a PAC Sports event shall be subject to discipline pursuant of this Code.
Property Damage. Any property damage reported by officials of the hosting facility caused by a team participating in a PAC Sports event shall be subject to discipline pursuant of this Code.
Artificial Noisemakers. . The use of artificial noisemakers during PAC events is prohibited.
Bat/Ball Boys/Girls. No person under the age of eighteen (18) shall be permitted to be a bat/ball boy/girl.
Article 310
EQUIPMENT. Players participating in PAC Sports events shall abide by the following equipment rules. PAC Sports requires that all equipment be up to date and not contain undue commercialization of the product.
Bat Regulations.
Non-Approved Bat. Any person discovered using a non-approved bat shall be subject to the following penalties:
First Offense. If an umpire, tournament director or any official affiliate of PAC Sports, discovers that an non-approved bat has been used to put a ball in play and before the next legal pitch, the defensive team shall have the choice of the result of play or the batter being called out and all runners returning to the base occupied at the time of the pitch.
Second Offense. The team manager/ coach shall be ejected along with the penalty of the First Offense if a team is found to be in violation of a non-approved bat for a second time.
Altered Bat. Any person discovered in possession of an altered bat at or near the facility or grounds of a PAC event in which such equipment is not permitted to be used shall be subject to discipline pursuant of this Code. PAC Sports and any of its affiliates shall have the right to take possession of a bat that is, in the sole discretion of the official, responsibly suspected to be an altered bat. In the event the suspected altered bat is tested and determined to be an altered bat, then the person shall surrender ownership of the altered bat to PAC Sports; otherwise a bat of equal or greater value, or a monetary equivalent, in the sole discretion of PAC Sports, shall be returned to the owner of the subject bat. In addition, a player found in possession of an altered bat and found guilty of this Code shall be suspended from PAC Sport events for a minimum of five (5) years. A team that is discovered to have within its possession or control an altered bat may be suspended from further tournament competition and PAC Sports event for a period of two (2) years.
Bat Limitations.
4U-12U Divisions. All bats for 12U and younger must be permanently stamped with the USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark, BBCOR .50 Certified Mark or made of wood. There is no weight restriction for these divisions.
13U. All bats for 13U must be permanently stamped with the USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark, BBCOR .50 Certified Mark or made of wood. Players must use a maximum of a drop 8 (-8) size bat.
14aa/aaa. All bats must be permanently stamped with the USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark, BBCOR .50 Certified Mark or made of wood. Players must us a maximum of a drop 5 (-5) size bat.
14maj/open – 18U Divisions. All bats must be permanently stamped with the BBCOR .50 Certified Mark or made of wood. Players must us a maximum of a drop 3 (-3) size bat.
NOTE: All bats for scholastic divisions must conform to the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) bat standards including a length to weight ratio no greater than drop three (-3) ounces. These bats must be permanently stamped with the BBCOR .50 Certified Mark or made of wood.
4U – 12U Divisions. Non-metal cleats shall be worn for these age divisions.
13U- 18U Divisions. Metal baseball cleats are permitted but not required to be worn.
Helmet. All offensive players in every age division shall use a double ear-flap batting helmet whenever at-bat, on-deck, on base or any other time outside of the dugout and the ball is live and in play.
Catcher’s Equipment. The catcher shall wear all appropriate protective gear including a catcher’s helmet with facemask and either a built in extended throat guard or a separately attached throat guard, chest protector, shin guards, and protective cup.
NOTE. In all age divisions 4U-18U, the catcher’s helmet shall fully cover both ears. PAC Sports recommends using the “hockey” style catcher’s mask.
Baseball Regulations. Baseballs must weigh between 5 and 5.25 ounces, have a circumference between 8.95 and 9.25 inches, have a COR of between .5 and .555 and have an ASTM standard compression of between 200 and 350 pounds.
Article 311
The Batter, Batter Runner and Runner.
Intentional Walk. An intentional walk may be issued upon announcement from either the pitcher or catcher. It is not required to throw any pitches.
Slash Bunt/Swing. For age divisions 14U and below, slash bunting is prohibited. First Offense. The umpire shall declare the play as a “dead ball” and the batter performing a slash bunt/swing shall result in an automatic out. A warning shall be issued to both teams. Second Offense. The umpire shall declare the play as a “dead ball” and the batter performing a slash bunt/swing shall result in an automatic out. The head coach shall be ejected from the game.
Courtesy Runner. At any time, the offensive team may use a courtesy runner for the pitcher and catcher of record from the previous inning of defense. The courtesy runner must be a player not presently in the line-up. If no players not presently in the line-up are available, the courtesy runner shall be the player making the last batted out. The re-entry status of the courtesy runner, pitcher, and catcher shall not be affected by this rule. If at any time, a courtesy runner is determined ineligible, a proper replacement pursuant to these rules (if available) shall be used without penalty.
Tag Plays. A runner must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder and/or catcher when a tag play is evident.
Malicious Contact. Malicious contact shall supersede all obstruction penalties and is solely up to the umpire’s discretion. If umpires deem there has been malicious contact, the runner shall be called out and may be ejected from the game at the discretion of the umpires.
Jumping. A runner who jumps over a player to avoid a tag will be called out whether or not contact is made with the defensive player
Pitcher Rules.
Starting/ Relief Pitcher Substitution. A pitcher that is removed from the pitching position, regardless of being a starter or reliever, may not return to the pitching position for the remainder of the game.
Rule Violation. It is the responsibility of the offensive team and/or umpire to catch a pitcher violating the pitching substitution rule of this code. The defensive team may correct this rule infraction immediately by substituting a legal pitcher without penalty. If an illegal pitcher is permitted to pitch, any pitch or play that results is legal
Penalty. If the violating pitcher has legal innings remaining, the violation will not result in a penalty for as long as the defensive team makes a substitution for a legal pitcher immediately. If a violating pitcher has no legal innings remaining, or a defensive team violates this rule more than once, it’s deemed as a pitching limitation violation pursuant to Article 311 (B) (5).
Pitching Limitations. Pitching limitations have been established for the pitcher’s safety. The limitations according to this code are measured by the amount of innings a pitcher pitches. For all cumulative totals of this rule, one (1) out equals one-third (1/3) of an inning, two (2) outs equals two-thirds (2/3) of an inning, and three (3) outs equals one (1) full innings. A pitcher that records no outs is not charged with any innings pitched.
NOTE. PAC Sports is actively gathering data to adopt a Pitch Count system to replace the current pitching limitations.
One-Day Maximum to Pitch the Next Day. Pitchers, in the divisions 7U18U, can pitch a maximum of three (3) innings in one (1) day and still be available the next day. Pitcher’s exceeding three (3) innings in one day are deemed ineligible to pitch the following day.
One-Day Maximum. The maximum number of innings a player can pitch in one (1) day.
7U-12U Divisions. A pitcher may pitch a maximum of six (6) innings in one (1) day. The player would be ineligible to pitch the next day.
13U – 14U Divisions. A pitcher may pitch a maximum of seven (7) innings in one (1) day. The player would be ineligible to pitch the next day.
Three-Day Maximum. The maximum number of innings a player can pitch in three (3) consecutive days.
7U-14U Divisions. A player may legally pitch a maximum of eight (8) innings in three (3) consecutive days. A player may legally pitch any combination of innings to equal eight (8) innings two (2) days as long as the player doesn’t pitch more than three (3) innings the first (1st) day. Similarly, as a player may legally pitch any combination of innings to equal eight (8) innings in three (3) days as long as the player doesn’t pitch more than three (3) innings the first (1st) or second (2nd) days.
Age Division
One Day Maximum & Pitch Next Day
One Day Maximum
Three Day Maximum
Scholastic 13U-14U
Scholastic 15U-18U
Chart 309 (B) (i) (ii) (iii)
NOTE. For purposes of this rule, the end of the day shall be the time of day or night when the ballpark is shut down and all games have been completed for that scheduled day. Games extending past midnight (12am) or start late at night, past midnight (12am), shall count as being played on the scheduled day. A game that is deemed a Suspended Game, according to Article 308 (D) (4) of this code, shall count as being played on two different days. The outs recorded during the portion of the game played prior to suspension shall count as being on the regularly scheduled day and the outs recorded during the portion of the resumed game, shall count as being played on the resumed day.
Mandatory Days of Rest.
A player that pitches more than three (3) innings in one (1) day is required to rest the following day.
A player that pitches eight (8) innings in two (2) consecutive days is required to rest the following day.
A player that pitches three (3) consecutive days (regardless of the total quantity of innings pitched) is required to rest the next day.
NOTE: Outs recorded during a game that ends in forfeit shall count towards a pitcher’s innings limits.
Pitching Violation.
Inning Violation. A pitcher is in violation of the rule if he records any out above the legal pitching limits pursuant to these rules.
Exception. Exceeding the maximum innings allowed in the case of a double or triple play shall not be counted against the pitcher for the purpose of this rule but shall be counted towards the pitcher’s limits with regards to the eligibility to pitch the next day.
Illegal Substitution Violation. A defensive team that makes an illegal pitching substitution for a second (2nd) time or more is in violation pursuant to these rules.
Pitching Violation Penalty. Any violation shall result in immediate forfeiture of the game. If such violation occurs during pool play, the violation team may not advance to the championship bracket regardless of their record.
Pitching Violation Protest. It shall be the responsibility of each team to challenge pitching violations by notifying the umpire and proceeding to file a protest with the League/ Tournament Director. A protest may be filed at any point after the pitcher in violation records any out beyond his legal limit and while the pitcher in violation is in the game as the pitcher of record. If such violation is the last recorded out of the game, the protest must be filed prior to the umpires and the protesting team leaving the field of play.
Balks. Balks are enforced in 10U and above age divisions without warning. In age divisions 9U and below, balks are not enforced strictly unless a persistent violation of the balk rule occurs.
Age Divisions 14U & Showcase Events. PAC Sports shall use Major League Baseball rules for balks. NOTE.A ball put in play on a pitch that is otherwise a balk, the balk call will only stand if, as a result of the batted ball, the batter and baserunners do not all advance at least one base. If that is the case, the balk call is negated and the results of the play are allowed to stand. This is the case even if one or more of the offensive players is put out after advancing the required base. Example. With a runner on first base, the pitcher commits a balk, but the batter hits the ball safely; the runner rounds second base but is thrown out at third base. In this case, the balk is negated because both the batter and runner advanced at least on base; the runner being thrown out later in the play is irrelevant. However, if the batter put the ball in play and the runner was forced out at second base, the play would erase and the balk call would be allowed to stand, with the runner now on second base and the batter still at bat, with neither a ball or strike having been added to the count.
Age Divisions 15U & Above. PAC Sports shall use National Federation of High School (NFHS) baseball rules for balks. NOTE. All balks shall result in a dead ball (no pitch) with baserunners advancing one base. ADDITIONAL NOTE. This rule shall NOT be used for any high school showcase event. Please revert to Article 311 (B) (7) (i) for accurate ruling for showcase events.
Mound Visits.
Age Divisions 14U & Below. Coaches shall receive two (2) mound visits per inning with the second (2nd) mound visit to the same pitcher in the same inning resulting in a pitching change. A mound visit to change pitchers shall not count against this total. An additional mound visit shall be granted for each extra inning.
Age Divisions 15U & Above. Coaches shall receive a total of three (3) mound visits per game as pertained to NFHS rules. A mound visit to change pitchers shall not count against this total. An additional mound visit shall be granted for each extra inning.. CLARIFICATION. According to the NFHS rules, coaches are allowed to visit the same pitcher up to three (3) times in the same inning without having to make a pitching change. After a team’s third (3rd) mound visit of the game has been exhausted, coaches are required to make a pitching change for every mound visit following.
Article 312
Fair Ball Arc. There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go past this line to be a fair ball.
Safety Arc. There shall be a thirty (30) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.
Pitching Circle. There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate.
Pitcher’s Line. The coach is permitted to pitch anywhere within the 30' Safety Arc and the 42' Pitching Circle. The pitching coach is expected to keep one foot on or straddle the pitcher’s line
The pitching coach shall keep one foot on or straddle the pitcher’s line. The coach can pitch anywhere in-between the 30’ Safety Arc and the 42’ Pitching Circle.
The coach pitching is not allowed to verbally or physically coach while in the pitching position.
The coach pitching shall position himself as not an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball is put in play.
Penalty. If a coach violates this rule after the ball is pitched, obstruction shall be called
Additional Penalty. If a coach violates this rule before the ball is pitched:
First Offense. Warning
Second Offense. Removal of coach as the pitcher for the remainder of the game.
Pitching Coach. It is required that the pitching coach be a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age.
Game Preliminaries for Coach Pitch.
Ten (10) defensive players will play in the field with four (4) outfielders. The fourth (4th) outfielder may not assume an infield position. All outfielders must stay behind the infield dirt.
The pitch must be received by the catcher in the catcher’s box in a proper baseball manner. A warning shall be issued if the Umpire decides that the catcher is not receiving the ball in a proper baseball manner. The violating teams’ manager shall be removed if the act continues.
Until the ball is hit, the defensive player named as pitcher must not leave the pitching circle. Penalty. The offensive team has the preference of taking the result of the play or no-pitch after the play has ended.
Additional Penalty:
First Offence. Warning is issued.
Second Offense. Player is removed from the pitching position for the rest of the game.
Defensive coaches are not allowed on the field of play and must coach from the dugout.
The Infield Fly Rule must not be in effect at any period.
The batting order shall constitute all players on the Official Online Roster at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals may be inserted as the last batter upon availability. All players in the line-up must bat before returning to the top of the order.
Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. The ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) positions in the batting order shall be declared an out each turn to bat.
Approved Ruling. A ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) player and all subsequent players may be added to the bottom of the batting line-up as soon as they become available.
Teams are allowed to make free substitutions on defense.
Bunting/slash bunting is not allowed.
A maximum number of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes can be received by the batter
Announcement of an Intentional Walk from the defensive team is permitted and can be done only once per batter.
Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner must not leave the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate otherwise, he’s out.
To determine the courtesy runner for the catcher of record, only the prior inning may be used. The player that made the previous out must be the courtesy runner. However, if no outs have been made in the game, the previous batter not on base will be the courtesy runner. In a case where the team batting has not played defense and a courtesy runner is used for a player, the player that was run for must move to the catching position in the next inning. This outline only pertains to the first inning for the visiting team.
The maximum number of runs a team can score per inning is seven (7).
When the opposing team is mathematically discontinued from scoring enough runs to win or tie the game, the game is over. (Run Rules still apply.)
“Time” will be called by the Umpire after every play to acknowledge a dead ball. Also, when all runners are not seeking to advance “Time” shall be called. For this rule, “Time” does not have to be called by the defense
NOTE. When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called.
When a hit/batted ball hits the Pitching Coach, the following must apply:
Based on the Umpire’s judgement, if it is deduced that the coach did not make a valid attempt to prevent contact, the batter will be declared out and runners will advance.
Based on the Umpire’s judgment, if it’s deduced that the coach did make a valid attempt to prevent contact, the ball is termed dead and a no-pitch is affirmed.
Article 313
Fair Ball Arc. There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go past this line to be a fair ball (this includes a ball that is legally bunted).
Safety Arc. There shall be a thirty (30) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.
Pitching Circle. There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate.
Pitching Machine. The front leg(s) shall be set at a distance of forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate.
Recommended pitching machine speeds:
36 M.P.H. – 39 M.P.H. out of the machine for the 7U age division.
39 M.P.H. – 42 M.P.H. out of the machine for the 8U age division.
Pitching Machine Operator. The Pitching Machine operator shall be an adult at least eighteen (18) years of age.
Game Preliminaries for Machine Pitch.
Ten (10) defensive players shall play in the field with four (4) outfielders. The fourth (4th) outfielder shall not assume an infield position. All outfielders shall stay behind the baseline.
The defensive player listed as pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit. Penalty. The play continues. After the play has ended, the offensive team has the option of taking the result of the play or no-pitch.
First Offense. Warning is issued.
Second Offense. Removal of player from the pitching position for the remainder of the game.
Defensive coaches shall not be allowed on the field of play and shall coach from the dugout.
The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time.
The batting order shall constitute all players on the Official Online Roster at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals may be inserted as the last batter upon availability. All players in the line-up must bat before returning to the top of the order.
Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. The ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) positions in the batting order shall be declared an out each turn to bat.
Approved Ruling. A ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) player and all subsequent players may be added to the bottom of the batting line-up as soon as they become available.
Teams are allowed to make free substitutions on defense.
Teams may bunt a maximum of two (2) times per inning.
Fake/slash bunts shall be prohibited. A batter that “shows” bunt is committed to an attempt to bunt or take the pitch. Penalty. A batter who swings after “showing” bunt shall be called out and no runners may advance.
The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes.
A player may only be Intentionally Walked once per game by announcement from the defensive team
Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate.
A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base. If the team batting has not played defense yet and a courtesy runner is used for a player, the player that was run for must assume the catching position the next inning. This scenario only applies in the first inning for the visiting team.
A team may score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning.
The game is over, when the opposing team is mathematically eliminated from scoring enough runs to win or tie the game. (Run Rules still apply)
Umpires shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called as soon as all runners are not attempting to advance. “Time” does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule. NOTE. When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called.
When a batted ball hits the pitching machine, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first (1st) base and all runners shall advance one (1) base.
Article 314
Fair Ball Arc. There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go past this line to be fair.
Safety Arc. There shall be a thirty (30) foot arc drawn from (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.
Pitching Plate. The pitching plate shall be located at forty-two (42) feet from the front edge of the pitching plate to the back point of home plate.
Ball. The ball shall either be as described in 7.01.K or the ball shall measure not less than eightone quarter (8 ¼) nor more than eight -one half (8 ½) inches in circumference.
Catcher. The catcher shall wear a dual ear-flap catcher’s helmet with mask.
Game Preliminaries for T-Ball.
Ten (10) defensive players shall play in the field with four (4) outfielders. The fourth (4th) outfielder shall not assume an infield position. All outfielders shall stay behind the baseline.
The defensive player listed as pitcher shall stay in contact with the pitchers’ plate until the ball is hit.
Penalty. The play continues. After the play has ended, the offensive team has the option of taking the result of the play or no-pitch. Additional Penalty:
First Offense. Warning is issued.
Second Offense. Removal of player from the pitching position for the remainder of the game.
Defensive coaches shall not be allowed on the field of play and shall coach from the dugout.
The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time.
The batting order must include all present players on the team roster at the inception of the game. For late arrivals, their names will be put at the bottom of the batting line-up. All players on the line-up must bat before making it to the top of the batting order.
Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. The ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) positions in the batting order shall be declared an out each turn to bat.
Approved Ruling. A ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) player and all subsequent players may be added to the bottom of the batting line-up as soon as they become available.
Teams may make free substitutions on defense.
Bunting shall not be allowed.
A batter shall receive a maximum of three (3) swings to put the ball in play or be called out. No additional swings shall be awarded on foul balls.
A player may only be Intentionally Walked once per game by announcement from the defensive team.
Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit.
. A team may score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning, including the last inning or record three (3) outs.
The game is over, when the opposing team is mathematically eliminated from scoring enough runs to win or tie the game. (Run Rules still apply)
Umpires shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called as soon as the lead runner is not attempting to advance. “Time” does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule.
NOTE. When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called.
Article 315
Nine (9) defensive players shall play in the field
Balk rules shall not apply.
Dropped third (3rd) strike rule is not in affect. A batter shall be automatically out on a dropped / missed third (3rd) strike by the catcher.
Runners shall not advance when the pitcher is on the pitching rubber with the ball in his possession and the catcher is in position to receive a pitch. On a base on balls, the batter may attempt to steal second prior to the pitcher and catcher coming set at his own risk, but if a runner is on third, he may not advance home even if the defense attempts to throw the runner out at second base.
Runners shall not lead-off but may advance at their own risk (steal) once a pitched ball has passed home plate. When a runner tries to advance prior to the pitched ball passing home plate, the following shall apply:
Approved Ruling. If the runner advances safely, the Umpire shall call “Time” and the runner shall return to the base last legally occupied at the time of the pitch. If the runner is called out, the call shall stand, and the runner is out. If the ball is hit, the defensive team shall have the option of the result of the play or a no pitch.
Runners shall not advance from third (3rd) base to home unless the runner is batted home or forced by a base on balls, hit batsman, or award from the Umpire. Runners shall not advance from third (3rd) base to home on passed balls, wild pitches or dropped / missed third (3rd) strikes by the catcher.